References and links
Here you will find a list of references to useful academic texts on colour blindness and the age related impairment of vision, as well as links to websites where you can read more on these topics.
Literature references
1. Bosse,J.C. & Lederer,P.J. Visual acuity. Are you getting the whole picture? Rev Optometry 59-67 (1988).
2. Lederer,P.J. & Bosse,J.C. Clinical use of contrast sensitivity evaluation for general practice of optometry. Practical Optometry 3, 34-48 (1992).
3. Owlsley,C.J., Sekuler,R. & Siemensne,D. Contrast sensitivity through adulthood. Vision Research 23, 689-699 (1983).
4. Sekuler,R. & Sekuler,A.B. Age-related changes, optical factors, and neural processes. Encyclopedia of psychology 8, 180-183 (2000).
5. Rigden,C. 'The eye of the beholder' - designing for colour-blind users. British telecommunications engineering 17, 2-6 (1999).
6. National Census data for England and Wales. Office for National Statistics. 10-10-2002.
7. Economist. Over 60 and overlooked. . 8-8-2002.
8. Population Ageing 2002 (Wall Chart). United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs . 2002.
9. Slaby,D. & Roberts,J. Color vision deficiencies in youths 12-17 of age. Division of health examination statistics 11(134). 1974.
10. Scanlon,J. & Roberts,J. Color vision deficiencies in children. Division of health examination statistics 11(118). 1973.
Site links
A great site with news, articles, discussions and resources on accessibility.
An independent, online directory of links and resources about Web accessibility.
The International Center
for Disability Recources on the Internet (ICDRI)
A global knowledge base of quality disability resources and best practice.
The place to go for the latest on the standard for accessibile web design.
Web accessibility resources from techniques through to advice on how to
implement website accessibility.
Repair, and Transformation Tools for Web Content Accessibility
This is a collection of information about evaluation, repair, and transformation
tools useful for Web content developers and Web users who wish to make
the Web more accessible.
Accessible Web Sites
Information and resources to help people in implementing Section 508 of
the Rehabilitation Act.
A great page on accessibility and an interesting blog to go with it.
Lighthouse International
A leading resource on vision impairment and vision rehabilitation